Most of our frequently asked questions are listed below. If you have a question that is not listed below or would like clarification, please contact us.
We take most PPO insurance. Unfortunately, we do not take any HMOs or denti-cal insurance. Please contact us if you have further questions regarding PPO insurances.
We take Visa and Mastercard. Our terminal can process chip cards, contactless cards, PIN debit cards, and select mobile wallets like Apple Pay®.
Check ups and cleanings should be done at least once every 6 months to ensure a healthy mouth. In certain cases, we would like to see the patient every 3-4 months due to a more complex case and oral hygiene concerns.
Brushing twice daily for 3 minutes minimum will help keep plaque off the teeth, which can stain and discolor the teeth overtime. Sometimes teeth are naturally more yellow due to the inside layer of dentin showing through the enamel layer, especially if the enamel layer is thinner. In those cases, teeth whitening would be the best option. We offer take-home or in-office whitening. Please contact us for more information.
We recommend an extra-soft bristle toothbrush and toothpastes that tend not to have large visible particles in it, which are abrasive partials. A softer toothbrush is gentler on the gums and teeth. It is not recommended to use a hard toothbrush and toothpaste with large abrasive partials because that can cause excessive wear on the enamel of the teeth and gum recession if brushed vigorously.
Regular check-ups and cleanings are important, but also, it is more important to practice good oral hygiene care at home. Diet is also an important factor; less sugary and sticky foods such as candies or soda. More natural foods are generally better for the teeth. If you chew gum on a regular basis, it is better to look for gum that has the ingredient “Xylitol” in it. Xylitol is an alcohol derived sugar which the bacteria inside the mouth cannot utilize. But don’t give anything with xylitol to your dogs! If you suffer from dry mouth, that increases your chances of getting cavities quite a bit, so it is important to constantly keep your mouth moisturized through water or saliva substitutes such as products from Biotene.
Bleeding gums mean that the gums are inflamed because of the plaque that’s right around or below the gums on the teeth. Bleeding gums can mean that you either have gingivitis or periodontal (gum) disease. A proper diagnoses is needed in order to treat the situation adequately. However, once it is treated, it is up to the patient to maintain good oral hygiene care at home and have regular checkups and cleanings either at the 3-month or 6-month intervals.
Wisdom teeth removal is necessary when the wisdom teeth are not growing at the correct angle and may affect the molar in front. If left untreated, it may lead to extensive decay, pain, and gum disease in the area. Generally, wisdom teeth that are straight do not need to be removed unless there are oral hygiene concerns.
We love kids! We can see kids of all ages. However, if they are hard to manage and need to be sedated for treatment, we will have to refer to a pediatric dentist that can adequately take care if your kid’s dental needs.
It is safe for us to see you during this COVID-19 pandemic. We require all patients to answer a COVID screening form and also perform a temperature check before seating them in the room. All our operatory rooms are thoroughly cleaned, wiped down, and new protective barriers placed after each patient. Our instruments are properly sterilized and we test our autoclave weekly to ensure it is meeting California’s infection control standards. All our staff and doctor have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.